
Money Talks

So my parents were pastors of a church, growing up we "lived by faith" which from a kid's perspective meant more often than not we went without and "made do" until shoes that pinched your toes had the ends cut off to look like sandals, just so they'd last that little bit longer!

Being the third out of four children, 'hand-me-downs' were expected and even desired, lucky for me being tom-boyish, having my brother's outgrown clothes was a treat, although my younger sister wasn't as delighted!

These days up-cycling, recycling, donating supermarket food waste and even 'hand-me-downs' are becoming fashionable as an over abundant world realises that materialism and consumerism has its down sides and negative effects on the earth and its inhabitants and is not a sustainable way of life for the earth or its inhabitants!

God called us into a creative lifestyle, a lifestyle that no one we knew was living. A lifestyle that we didn't even know what it was supposed to look like. No nine 'til five. No regular pay check. No school routine for the children. No clock watching but instead being lead by the Great Spirit. So my upbringing has been of a great advantage as we have been through many times of "living by faith"!! His Spirit sustains us and provides, makes a way where there is no way, leads us and makes the way before us straight.

Everything we have and are has been given to the Journey. A lot of our energy has been given to running a small food van "The Shabbanakle" which gives us first hand contact with people as we share the love with each person that visits our stall. The fruit of the Journey is constant, ever changing and increasing!

Currently we're believing for a miracle to keep our home, its been a place of many miracles, much joy, many spiritual encounters and been Home to many people. Time is running out but He is faithful, its a time that is exciting, sometimes scarey, a little bit of a roller coaster ride but a story we're hoping to be able to share with you of the miracle working power of Jesus!

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